Inner Harmony : Healing Emotional Eating Through Coaching

Do you want to finally have true peace with food and the scale?

Click on the button below to learn more.





Complimentary Session
30 Minute Call

Let’s talk! If you want general information or would like to deep dive into food, body image, dieting, this is a great place to ask questions.

On-Going Support
Four One-Hour Sessions

Support to help you to create the life of your dreams. Your program is tailored to your specific goals and needs.  

Freedom Program
12-Weeks Support 

Transform your relationship with your body and food to be fully free from diet culture, once and for all!


Find Peace

Through a holistic approach and eating psychology, learn to love your body and develop a relationship so deep that you can say goodbye to emotional eating, binge eating weight management and more. 


Be Nourished

Forget about everything you read in magazines or textbooks or enjoy the process of choosing what to eat, prep and eating food that excites and satisfies you


Trust Yourself

Let go of diet culture once and for all. develop an intuitive relationship with your body and trust yourself to eat what makes you feel good and feel good from the inside out.



Sometimes we just need to know someone is there. Come join the movement on Facebook.
